Author: WebAdmin

Jamaica’s Corporate Governance Landscape

Jamaica’s approach to corporate governance has been shaped byboth local legislation and global influences, encouraging companiesto adopt practices that are not only legally compliant but alsoethically sound and socially responsible. This shift reflects a growingawareness among stakeholders of the importance of environmentalstewardship, social equity, and ethical management within thecorporate sector.Key aspects of Jamaica’s corporate governance […]

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Legal Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Marketing

Do’s: 1. Trademark Creation and Registration In the ever-expanding realm of digital marketing, your business's logo and branding play a pivotal role in establishing a recognizable presence. To safeguard your brand, our experienced team at Yualande Christopher & Associates advises businesses to register their trademarks. Under the Trade Mark Act 2001, registered trademarks enjoy comprehensive […]

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Eco-Sustainability and Your Business: How We Can Help

At Yualande Christopher & Associates, we understand the importance of eco-sustainability in today’s business environment. Here’s how we make navigating sustainability laws simple and effective for your business:  Consumer Shift: More than 37% of consumers are now more eco-conscious post-pandemic, with 73% expecting businesses to use recyclable or minimal packaging.  Business Advantage: Adopting […]

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Part 2: Navigating Emerging Laws in Digital Marketing

I. Advising on New and Emerging Laws In today’s digital landscape, staying compliant with emerging laws is essential. Our legal experts at Yualande Christopher & Associates provide guidance to businesses regarding the latest legal developments that may impact their digital marketing strategies. One such law is the Data Protection Act 2020. The Data Protection Act, […]

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Legal Insights on E-Commerce and Electronic Transactions in Jamaica

At Yualande Christopher & Associates, our commitment to providing cutting-edge legal advice is demonstrated through our expertise in the evolving landscape of commercial and business law, particularly in the realm of e-commerce and electronic transactions. As this area continues to expand, especially in the wake of the pandemic, understanding the legal implications and opportunities it […]

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Jamaica’s Insolvency Act

A New Era in Corporate and Personal Insolvency In the realm of insolvency law, Jamaica embarked on a transformative journey with the enactment of its modern Insolvency Act in 2014. This article explores the birth of Jamaica's Insolvency Act, its objectives, and its place in the broader Caribbean context. 1. A Monumental Change in 2014 […]

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Embracing Choice: The Future of Secured Lending in an Ever-Evolving World

In today’s dynamic world of commerce, where businesses constantly adapt and innovate, the concept of secured lending has faced challenges that some may consider controversial. In this article, we explore the evolving landscape of secured lending and the importance of preserving the freedom to contract. The Sanctity of Free Will While many argue for stricter […]

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Navigating the Complexities of Corporate Governance: A Guide for Modern Businesses

Introduction to Corporate Governance Corporate governance is a term that encompasses a broad and complex array of definitions, principles, and practices. It’s a field that has drawn attention for its lack of empirical, methodological, or theoretical coherence, a critique that highlights the challenges of melding legal frameworks with non-legal principles. At its core, corporate governance […]

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What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. IP is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. By striking the right balance between the […]

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